What You Are Doing Isn't Safe

If you are like most users on the Internet, you use the same password on almost every app and website you access. Or maybe, if you are a little more advanced, you have a "safer" password for certain sites like your bank and email (hopefully you understand your email password is your most important password!) and then the same one for the rest.

This means your password is only as safe as the least secure app or website you use.

Hackers can often easily break into many of those "smaller" apps and websites that don't have sophisticated security personnel to stop them. And hackers do this every day on millions of websites and harvest passwords by the billions.

We get it: having a different password for every single app or website you use is impossible. But what you doing now isn't safe. That's where the New Password Paradigm comes in.

What Is The New Password Paradigm?

The New Password Paradigm changes the game in a simple way: instead of picking a password for an app or a web site, it picks an easy-to-remember and unique password for you. That way, if the app or website you are using gets hacked, they only get your password for that app or website and not all of the others.

The New Password Paradigm project--this website--makes it easy for developers to give you an easy-to-use system that makes your experience as streamlined as possible. Apps and websites will generate as many passwords as you want, so if you haven't used an app in a while just click it's button to send a new password. And apps and websites will implement other tricks to make the process fast and easy.

Why Do I Need The New Password Paradigm?

If you are like most user of the Internet today, chances are you have at least dozens of apps and websites you log on to, if not hundreds.

Most of those apps and websites present a relatively low danger to you in the event of a breach as they are not "big ticket" apps and websites like your email or your bank.

However, when you use the same password on many sites, a breach in any one of those sites can mean a breach in all of the others.

That means that when you are informed of a breach, you have to remember all of the other apps and websites where you used that password. And we all know that's not going to happen because there are too many to remember.

So chances are, many of your apps and websites are compromised right now.

The New Password Paradigm makes it so every app and website you use will have a different password. Then a breach of an app or a website is confined to just that one app or website.

Is the New Password Paradigm the Only Solution?

No, there are excellent password managers available and have been for many years. The problem is, only 3% of Americans use a password manager as their most common means of logging in, and only 12% use them at all. Most likely you are one of these people, and you want a different solution. The New Password Paradigm requires no software of any kind to install by the end-user, but instead is something your favorite app or website does for you.

How Do I Get It?

The New Password Paradigm must be implemented by your favorite app or website developer. There's no software to install and basically no action required on your part.

What you can do is help us spread the word. Contact your favorite app or website and tell them to stop using user-generated passwords, and start using the New Password Paradigm. Email them. Call them. Tell them you want them to shift to a more secure platform, and tell them what they are doing isn't safe.